Letter from your maker

Winter 2025 
Still winter, lots of rainstorm, the wind chills to the bones.  Of course nothing like the midwest or east coast but still.  I am a tropical fish and I must seek sunshine hence I am going Thailand for a month.  I hope to bring home new creative developments.  I promise to post more in my story on instagram of the daily life in BKK.  I get so chilled when I am there that I forget to keep up with my friends across the pond.  Yeah, you.  So I'll see then.

Winter 2025
Winter in SF January can be like heaven.  Today we have a perfect Spring like weather, sunny and crisp.  The low winter sun is the best, it shines all the way to the back of my studio.  I take breaks sitting in the sun on my studio floor drinking tea thinking what a lucky duck I am.  Oh, did I mention that there's a hugh tree in front of our building that is 3 story high with lots of sparrows socialising in it.  All day I hear them chirp.  
Every year I like to have a theme, kind of like a resolution but gentler.   Last year was about doing less and this year is about doing things with intention.  Perhaps this will help with the feeling of time is passing so fast.  If I can punctuate time with intentional moments more memorable, I think I can sharpen up the blur.  Even with habits, I lean on good habits on most days to relieve decision fatique but it is also can become a blur when not paying attention.  I want to stay mindful with the mundane things because the little magic lies there and I don't want to miss it.  
With that said, I think I am going to visit here a bit more often with short logs.  
I hope your 2025 getting off to a good start.  I will talk to you again soon.

Fall 2024
I was out of the country for 2 months then back in the studio for the busy holidays season.  So I completely missed my Fall log.  I am writing this in Jan 2025.  Forgive me.   

Summer 2024
A long slow summer, just the way i like it.  Actually, I didn't know I would like it until I made a point to downshift.  At first, it felt quite confusing and a bit uncomfortable.  My body wanted to keep working at full speed but my head said this is the time to stroll at your leisure.  After a while I realized that it was not about doing less but more about doing what brings joy.  Duh, right?!  Well, after years of training to be productive and also quite lucky to get to do what I enjoy, I was a bit blindsided by all the good things and forgetting what else do I take joy from.  Good problem, I know.  Nevertheless, the mind needs other stimulants to properly function at its peak hence the slow down in order to discover other good things in life.  
Here I am towards in of Summer,  I can confidently say yes to the slow pace of living and loving it.  What do I do and don't do?  Less pop ups, near zero instagram, no extra hussling of any kind, more time in nature with family, friends, lounge in the park, make arts, read a ton.  Thank goodness to books, there's never not anything to do because so many books so little time.  
I am about to travel back to my other home in Thailand and a pit stop in Japan to visit with my favorite people.  I will be back in November to get back to my beloved work.  By then I would be so hungry to make jewelry just in time for the holidays.
I have discovered the seasons of life.  Respecting and doing things accordingly refresh my outlook, keep things in balance so I can be 100%.  
I will see you in the Fall.  

Spring 2024
There's a sense of abundance this season.  I am grateful for the sunshine and flowers.  Let's talk about the flowers for a minute.  The superbloom this year is unbelievable where I am.  Anything from the wild or grown seems to go up a few notches, I wonder if it's just me or is nature on steroids right now.  I love the Poppy field at the Conservatory of flowers.  The Rose garden is at its height of blooms.  The Dahlia is a little late coming this year but in a few weeks I would be ooos and aaas over them.  The bushes of Forget me not greet me on my morning trail.  The Daisies and Buttercups are dancing on the grass.  I am obsessed with the Wisteria in front of my neighbor's house and consistently charmed by the bell shape of the Fuchsia on my way to the post office.  Oh can't forget the rich purplish blue of the Iris a size of my face at the pond in GG park.  
Oh my, until I wrote it down in this letter to you, these flowers were just pretty things along my path.  I must cultivate more appreciation for them.  My morning walk would be dull without them.  For the remaing of Spring, I shall get out of my head and get sensitive to these beauties while I can.  Mono no aware.  

Winter 2023 
Looks like I am doing exactly the same thing as last year by writing this log in 2024.  It is new year's day today.  I woke up this morning thinking that no matter what I will do my seasonal letter today. Also there's something magical about marking Jan. 1st as check in point.  I think I will make it a tradition from now on.  
Let's have a bit of a look back to my previous year project which I have not achieved "adornment for your space".  I am disappointed that I did not get it off the ground.  Though I didn't abandon it all together either.  I think there could be something of an analysis paralysis going on.  Also there were a lot of life events that required some extra mental power.  No excuses though, let's just say I couldn't get to ironing out the logistics of how to bring about the presentation.  Long story short, It will continue to be my side project this year along with traveling a lot more.  I'll check in again very soon.  This is going to be like an acountability partner.  So I am off. 

Fall 2023
I am cheating here.  I missed the Fall log completely and just writing it today which is Jan. 1st. 2024. But I can't just skip it so here's a quick one for you.
I was gone out of the country on family time for 2 months then back here at the midst of the holidays hoopla.  Now you know why I had missed this log.  A whirlwind season indeed...

Summer 2023
Whoosh! It's already Summer.  I always find myself in awe of how time passes everytime I write you this seasonal letter.  Time is like an abstract art depending on your experience and mood.  Long days and sunshine seem like a good combo to stretch out good times and a welcome punctuation in a year.  Otherwise, life could feel like a run on sentence.  
Summer is usually a slow period for my work.  It's a nice change of pace.  I get to take time to laze around and play with drawings and paintings.  I also make a point to get out more and see friends.  Road trip is also another one of my favorite but sadly have not done it in years. 
This Summer is spoken for naturally.  I am going to be overseas in September and October hence the prep and pre work begins now to make up for the time away.  I don't mind it though.  The days are long enough where I can fit everything in comfortably. 
How about you? Are you traveling the globe or the staycation type?  either way, do enjoy this abtract thing called time.  Before you know it, the leaves are turning orange and brown but we are not rushing by any means.  Happy Summer!  

Spring 2023 
Cou cou! Look at that, we are well into Spring.  Spring in San francisco came late this year which makes the sunshine even warmer and sweeter.  All of my indoor plants are going through growth spurt right now.  My studio has gotten brighter and more colorful lately due to my newly adopted medium of Pastel.  I wish I had played with this medium sooner.  It is wonderfully messy and I love it.  I plan on incorporating pastel into my watercolor and acrylic. 
My painting practice has influenced my jewelry making as well.  You see more colorful gems and fluidity in my recent work.  I love to work this way, intuitively.  The creation is driven by the pure joy of making things by hand.  And when I see my audience being delighted by my work, I feel like I have served my purpose.  For the moment that my work has captured your attention, the joy has been passed from me to you.  
I am so grateful that you are part of my complete circle of joy.  I thank you.
Until Summer, enjoy the season of growth and optimism. 

Winter 2022
It's actually 2023 as I am writing on the 3rd of January.  Happy new year!  A brand new year to play with.  What do you have in mind?  This is not a new year resolution but more like a theme to your life, a soundtrack to your year.  I know there is something brewing in your little head.  It can be a bit frightening but the thought of not giving it a chance is more scary.  Yes, I am talking about that kind of thing.  
As I have alluded in my previous letter of what I have been working on, a project that I will bring forth to you in 2023, this is my scary but must do this year.  I purposely put myself on the hook by announcing to everyone about it with a time stamp.  
Adornment for your space, it is long overdue to finally incorporate my objet d'art into my repertoire.  Making space for my daily observation of nature and realize the impression by way of painting and sculpting, to create an expressive objet d'art that conveys the beauty through colors and forms.  
Staying true to form with the love for tiny things, the pieces are in small scale which is perfect for bookshelves, above your desks, nightstands or in your walk in closet!  They serve as a reminder to stop and smell the roses.  

Fall 2022
It has been a stop and go with my creative practice this year.  Losing momentum is challeging for productivity but quite nourishing to the creative soul.  Instead of leaning on inertia, the forced idle time punctuated my outward live work play into inward repose reflect recalibrate.  Being away from my usual hustling and grind of a maker put my priority in perspective, also made my heart grow fonder with my craft.  A long hidden interest in creating in a diffrent medium has also emerged, making small objects and paintings.  I feel a sense of renewal.  One craft informs the other.  I truly enjoy the switching back and forth between 3D work in Jewery and 2D work in painting.  
Only a month and a half until this year is over, it feels like I got a head start on this new duo creative venture early for my 2023 project.  I'll go ahead and call it
"Adornments for you and your space" 
Well, Winter is coming and I am ready to hygge and release all this pent-up creative juice.  And I hope you have wonderful holidays, lots of love to your family and friends

Summer 2022
It has been a slow and deliberate summer.  Taking to heart a quote from Lao Tzu "nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished".  A lot of reading, sewing, painting and of course creating a brand new collection.  The funny thing about being deliberately slow is that I feel more accomplished, not necessarily checking more of the to do boxes (yes, I draw little boxes on my itemized to do list)  Generally, it feels more satistying and less procrasination.  It did take some discipline to not fall into the old habit of hurry up in my head to go nowhere.  
That brings me to how I cultivate my ideas for this new collection.  In retrospect, an inward look in my databank, letting my intuition guide the process and easing into the creation are only possible through deliberately taking things slow.  
I think I finally have a fuller comprehension of the wise words of Lao Tzu.  I am only scratching the surface of this concept.  I think I like it a lot because I really dig this Land and Sea collection of mine from the beginning to end.  I hope you do too.
As always, thank you for your company.

18 April 2022
Time flies when you are busy eating all the delicious local cuisine.  In my case, street foods are kings.  Food trucks, food carts are lined on both sides of the main road.  Anything imaginable, savory and sweet vendors rotate morning, noon and night.  My favorite time is the morning shift, the air is still cool, not so busy and full of wonderful selections from my childhood.  Techniquely, there is no difference between breakfast, lunch and dinner type of food.  Anything can be eaten at anytime. This morning I actually had marinated grilled chicken with sticky rice which kept me quite satiated.  Perhaps a snack of coconut sticky rice black beans in the late afternoon.  For supper, I'll stroll the night shift vendors and see what speaks to me.  The evening street food scene is lively with people in the neighborhood out in full action.  The heat has let up with some daylight left making it the perfect time to buzz around checking out every stall to see what's cooking.  It is like going to a street fair except it's a daily outing.  It looks like about the time for me to get out there to see about the salted grilled fish before it's sold out.  

11 April 2022
Greetings from the land of the smile.  Thai new year is in couple of days, it's the hottest time of the year.  People play with water in the streets.  All good fun in an average 90 degrees heat and 81% humidity, I welcome the random thrown around water.  Oh and the food!  how could I even begin.  There will be a lot food talk here.  Perhaps it's time I go plan my daily menu...

April 2022
As I am getting ready for the longest trip away from my workbench since 2014.  A slight parting anxiety is looming.  I tell myself "fret not the idle hands" because it is an opportunity to dive into projects that lie dormant.  Writing these letters to you is one of them, to do it consistently, not so long and for the joy of it.  

For now, I must get packing.  The minimalist in me is being challenged, wanting to bring all my crafts, so typical of me.  LOL. I will see you again when I get to the other side of the globe.

Fall 2021
Hello, It has been like forever since I've visited with you.  My seasonal letter to you is so joyous despite not knowing if you would visit me here.  Well, obviously you are here reading and I thank you for your company.  

This past year, I have decided to lay low, keep creating and not trying so hard at social.  My decision to not engage in any local craft shows and not posting everyday nor spend too much time on Instagram has freed up a lot of time.  It took a bit of getting used to the idea of doing less as the world is getting back to the new norm.  

Maybe I am going through some existential crisis, maybe I am rebeling against being told what to do and when, maybe I long for the days of what you see is what you get, maybe I am silly or maybe I am just a human being. 

Hello...out there...I am here finding my way...I know you are outhere also navigating your path.  Everyday from the moment you get up, desicions are being made even if you set your routine to free you from decision fatique, you are still making the decision to stick to the routine.  No wonder our heads get so stuffed up, we could hardly hear our own voice.  Especially the loudness of social expectations, the how to's, the must do's etc. in order to excel in your internal operating system if you know what's good for you.  Perhaps it's the dosage or the how you implement them into your life and when is the right time and most of all is it the right thing for you.  It' the classic peer pressure, high school all over again.  The herd mentality is primal, so strong for a reason...survival.  It lives on in our digital age but it has morphed into something esoteric so we simply call it "stress".  The modern person version of going out hunting and being chased by a tiger except you can't see the tiger but just a gnawing feeling of discomfort.  So you try to expel the energy through physical exercise like a caveman running from danger, it works! until your joints decide to not cooperate.  You know how the story ends, I get slow physically and mentally.  Once in more quiet place, I can be more thoughtful with my action, not reaction.  I said to myself what was I in a hurry for anyway???  lol... no good answer was my answer

Today I am the maker at Cinq, tomorrow I might be a squirrel, next week if I am lucky I get to be a tree.  Not to worry, whatever I am I still would tinker away with my hands in my workshop.  This much I know it's true.

Talking about tinkering, I have been making decorative objects that I will share in the year to come.  Experimenting with different materials is so much fun.  The unexpected results are both stressful and so delightful all at once.  There are a lot of duds but once in while you get a stud!  I go all giddy and it keeps me going back for the random discoveries.

There is no fun when a time invested project fails.  It helps to have more time and head space to chew on the mistakes and get back to work.  Overtime I have learned to include making mistakes as part of the authentic creating process hence no more failed projects only random discoveries and happy accidents.  Hooray! must keep up with this mentality.

Nevertheless, I am human (most of the time), my brain still requires some convincing of this no fail creating process.  So I keep on practicing.....making.....authenticly.
